Stormy Waters Black and White Presets | Weekly Feature

Yay! I cannot even begin to put into words how incredibly awesome it is to see these presets out there in the wild! 

This feature is by Ashley Elsmore. Ashley is also a student in my online class, and witnessing her reach deeper and explore new ways of seeing and editing has been such an honor. 

I really love this image before and after because it's a perfect example of vision. She knew that in order to craft the image she saw in her mind's eye, she needed to shoot against a darker background with the beautiful freckled face well lit. Next, she brought the RAW color file into LR and applied the Stormy Waters presets. I absolutely love the transformation here. 

Black and white has my heart. Every single time. 

Here are some words Ashley shared on instagram @aephoto20 about her experience, "I'm taking a black and white photography class from @thedefineschool. It is taught by @michellegardella who is AMAZING! It has made me fall in love with black and white photographs all over again and has made me realize I crave to be more real and honest in my photography! You're going to see a lot of change from me from here on out. If you're in your comfort zone you're not growing!"