
There will be a time for words.

For now, I would love to introduce you to my beautiful friend, and brilliant teacher, Glenda. She let me bring my camera along to our morning spent in her ceramics workshop and I am the luckiest.

Austin Courthouse Wedding | Adam & Lourdes

Yesterday was fun. Like, heart glowing, want to skip along, huge smile on my face the whole time, fun. I stopped capturing weddings a few years ago. There was a time I was Top 30 in the World, on the cover of major magazines, featured in best-selling wedding books, and felt like I’d never quit. But then the business machine of it all swallowed me whole and spit me out. The whole idea of capturing people in a lavish setting worth hundreds of thousands of dollars just didn’t fit with my authentic truth. And I’ve never been good at pretend.

But when one of Thomas’ closest friends asked us to capture his Austin City Courthouse wedding, how in the world could we say no?

I am so thankful we said yes. I love them. And I LOVED this wedding.

Dear Universe: If there are any other people who want me to capture their courthouse weddings, please send them my way. Because, this was honestly the best.

A preview:

These are the people in my neighborhood

Sometimes, I don’t love living in Austin. The city is a lot. But my goodness, I LOVE the people here.

So the other day I grabbed my camera, because that’s how I love people, and I started snapping. Nothing special, no rivers, no epic over the top emotions. Just my people. They are enough.

And that’s how my new photo essay was born.

I am photographing the everyday people here who have my heart. I accept that the place itself is awful, but the people, my goodness, they don’t get any better.

“These are the people in my neighborhood : Day 1”